Childcare Subsidy

  • There are a few criteria that parents can meet to be eligible for the subsidy, such as:
    – Working
    – Looking for work
    – Volunteering
    – Studying

  • Questions and Answers

    Question: Are you an approved service?

    Yes we are registered with the Department of Education to provide approved services that allow access to the Childcare Subsidy

    Question: Who is responsible for paying?

    The subsidy is paid after the care has been provided to the service once we send your child’s session report every Friday. We will charge you for the service every Thursday, the estimated subsidy is deducted prior to this charge.

    Question: What process do I need to follow to commence receiving the subsidy?

    You will need to:
    – Enrol your child
    – Make a claim for CCS from Centrelink
    – Confirm your CWA in Xplor and MyGov

  • Remember to always provide the correct CRN and Date of Birth for the Primary Carer and Child

  • Guides to the subsidy